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Microsoft 365 business plans

Microsoft Planner

What do you use for tracking your own To-Do list today?  Sure, a lot of people might use Microsoft to do in the Microsoft world or Google keep. Some people just use pencil and paper, and that’s fine. For a bigger project, maybe you’re constructing a building or rolling out a new version of software or something. You might use something more formal like Microsoft Project, where you’re tracking things in Gantt charts and you’re keeping track of milestones and stakeholders and deadlines and that sort of thing. But there’s a lot of times when you’re kind of in between, right, where you don’t need something as formal as Microsoft Project, but you do need a way to keep track of what your small team is working on. Maybe it’s related to, you know, setting up an internal website. Maybe it’s relating to creating a company event like a holiday party or a conference where you need to know who’s working on what and when certain things are due and who’s behind schedule. Who’s doing OK. What other resources might be needed when you can hand off tasks from one person to another at different stages?

All of those situations are things where Microsoft Planner works really well.

  • We can create different project plan under different bucket based on department or group
  • We can add details associated with task so we can dig more into it and we can add notes, add comments, add attachments, all that sort of thing.
  • Task can have attachments and some might have subtasks.
  • Dashboard of Microsoft Planner will show us what’s going on and when It was due
  • So the big circle is where we can check this off when it’s done
  • We can mark task complete and it disappears and moves down into the completed section down
  • Chart view shows details like  how many of the tasks in total are not started or in progress or late
  • All tests have dates assigned to them, necessarily
  • We can mark plan as favorites, make a copy of the plan to reuse or exporting the plan to excel

View Tasks by planner and To Do from Microsoft Team

We’ve talked about Microsoft Planner, where we have our group tasks and assignments, and in other lessons, we’ve talked about Microsoft To-Do where we have our personal To-Do list. There’s one more place in Microsoft 365 where you can find your task and your to do list, and that’s inside Microsoft Teams.

Here we can also look at her personal To-Do items by clicking on tasks and look at the tasks that are planned from Planner, meaning they have a due date. You can copy and publish your task list out to the child nodes or recipient nodes.

We highly recommend you to get in touch with your IT Services provider or  Mace IT Services to book a demo to learn more and talk about  implementation, support and license management services. Talk to us if you are looking for digital efficiency and if interested in staff training program.