Microsoft OneDrive, that’s Microsoft’s file storage system in the cloud. One of the first things we have to address is something that confuses a lot of people, and that is there’s more than one OneDrive.
- There’s a OneDrive that you can use in your personal life, which is just called Microsoft OneDrive
- Then there’s a OneDrive that you can use in your business life called OneDrive for business. And you might actually have more than one OneDrive for business account
- If you’ve got, say, one with your job and maybe you’re involved in a charity that has one or you’re involved in a band that has one or whatever else the case may be, but OneDrive for business is the shared file storage system for organizations.
OneDrive for business also called as SharePoint is a place to store all your work-related documents, photos, OneNote, notebooks and files. It’s part of the OneDrive system provided by the employer or your organization, but your OneDrive is specific to you.
What all can I do with my one drive?
- We can use your one drive to store files and documents and access them from multiple devices such as from your phone or tablet
- You can search for documents. One of the nice things about OneDrive and OneDrive for business is they have full text search for most common document types. So if you want to search for something that had the phrase Wednesday morning in it, it’ll search not just the names of the documents, but the contents of the documents
- To look for that phrase, OneDrive features full fidelity editing, meaning you can edit your Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations and OneNote notebooks directly from inside OneDrive for business using the web app. Versions of those applications for Fidelity means that most features of the full application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel, are supported in the web versions. But even when those features aren’t available in the web version, using the web version still won’t break those features
- Your Microsoft OneDrive files are always backed up and include versioning, so if you need to go back to a previous version of a document, you can
- Microsoft OneDrive for business also includes some advanced features such as Legal Hold and e-discovery in the higher level plans, information rights management to stage recycle bins and integration with your company’s group policies.
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